

We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled postdoctoral researcher to join our team and contribute to accelerating quantum chemistry calculations for materials. As a postdoc, you will conduct innovative research focused on reducing the computational cost of electronic structure calculations for simulating the spectroscopy of hybrid organic-inorganic materials used in optoelectronic applications. Your responsibilities will include performing state-of-the-art first principles calculations of materials, as well as developing numerical techniques for cost-efficient calculations. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work in a collaborative research environment.

Desired Qualifications:

  • PhD in Chemistry, Physics, or related fields
  • Excellent knowledge of electronic structure methods, including density functional theory and wavefunction-based approaches
  • Demonstrated experience in developing computational techniques and calculating vibrational or optical properties of materials
  • Familiarity with high-performance computing, with experience in programming and scripting

    If you are interested in the position, please send a CV and a research summary to Dr. Yeongsu Cho.

Ph.D. students

We welcome interested students from chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering and related fields who are excited about research! If you are interested in joining our group as a Ph.D. student, you need to apply through the department’s adimission process first. Admission decisions are not made by individual faculty. We look forward to hearing from you!